At Castle & Pryor Health & Safety is our highest priority, instilled within the matrix of the company incorporating operations, planning and pricing through to execution of the works. We have a dedicated Health and Safety consultant in Just Safety Ltd and our team of operatives are fully compliant with SMSTS, SSSTS and NVQ L2 accreditations.
Throughout all levels of the company we encourage and vigorously promote a fully mandated pro-active Health & Safety culture and regularly execute Health & Safety performance reviews and audits to ensure that the best Health & Safety practice is adhered to at all management and site levels. With regular site visits by our senior site management team, who have an accumulated knowledge of the trade spanning some 125 years, we record and document ‘On Site’ toolbox talks to ensure that:
Any required trade training needs are identified within our workforce and are duly addressed in-house with all trade training conforming to recognised NVQ L2 Standards as set by the C.I.T.B. Castle & Pryor operatives also receive specialist training from other C.I.T.B recognised training providers in the following sectors.
It is our aim to provide a safe working environment through the medium of Good Health and Safety Management and Training for all our operatives, and any other person affected by our operations on site.