Sometimes also referred to as ‘Pull Out Testing’, Pull Testing is a very important safety test. We perform it on any fixings or anchors that are fitted into masonry or concrete to confirm that they’re strong, reliable and generally up to the job. Testing is carried out anywhere from building works, to finished construction projects and even temporary structures for events – testing whether a fitting can take the load and is up to the job it is required to handle.
Pull Testing means items can be hung from a hook, hoop, etc with the assurance that a fitting failure won’t be the cause of any concern. All sorts of things require pull testing, from level crossing barriers to supermarket ceilings – anything fixed and hung by fittings secured in concrete can, and should, be declared safe through this essential procedure.
At Castle & Pryor we’re thrilled to provide this essential safety service. So far there hasn’t been a project we haven’t been able to make safer through pull testing, and we’re proud to perform hundreds of tests every year. We’ll even design and build something special for your job if required. As our very own engineering department puts it, “For some projects it’s unlikely that what we need is available off the shelf, in these instances custom parts are made by us to suit a particular fixing. Nothing stands between us and pull testing!”
Think your project could benefit from some Pull Testing? We’d love to learn more and discuss how we could help confirm the safety of your fittings. Why not get in touch today? Or see our Pull Testing in action here.