0800 163 382 Call us Monday-Friday: 8.00am - 5.30pm
Floor Sawing & Robotic Demolition at Farnborough Airport
We’ve been working away in our favourite place again – an airport. This time it was Farnborough, where we helped the fuel team complete a project with a few difficult factors, carrying out all the work while the airport was still in full swing.

So, what have we been up to?

We were contacted by the team at Farnborough Airport, for our help removing a concrete hardstanding. The structure currently sat in the aviation fuel depot, but needed to be removed to allow some essential refurbishment works to take place – so we set about planning this hardstandings exit.

How did we do it?

Our team have all sorts of brilliant bits of kit to choose from when approaching a project, giving us the flexibility to decide, and use, whichever machinery is best for the challenge. We decided that this obstructive hardstanding required a large concrete cutting floor saw and robotic demolition machine, as these work fantastically together to get a job done.

We started by diamond cutting the structure’s concrete to full depth, before going in with that robotic demolition machine. It was only then that the concrete was percussively broken out. This approach meant we could ensure no vibrations from our works were being transmitted, and there for putting at risk, the fuel systems and surrounding concrete infrastructure which was staying put and needed to be kept in tip top operational condition.

Why was it tricky?

Our works couldn’t disrupt the everyday running of the airport and needed to be carried out during normal working hours without the need to restrict key supply routes into the petroleum area, something we were able to facilitate.

Extra care also had to be taken as the aviation fuel depot was still in full operation, no incidents that could even potentially risk or disrupt the safe storage and distribution of petroleum for Farnborough’s planes could be tolerated. Again, we’re pleased to report our team were able to plan their approach around this, by taking extra care which resulted in a successful project, happy client and a fully fuelled Farnborough fleet.

If you’ve got a project that needs skilled staff who are ready and willing to work around your restrictions, we’d love to talk. Do get in touch.