The new hands-free drilling solution that’s bringing rotary percussion drilling safely up to speed.
2018 was an exciting year. Not just for the team here at C&P, but for the construction industry as a whole. We began testing the first version of our new HAVS-free drill, Sindrilla. And this week, after undergoing months of rigorous testing and CE certification, we’re delighted to announce that Sindrilla is now available.
“[An] innovative solution to completely eliminate HAVS exposure […} The unique design is quick and easy to manoeuvre around, meaning that a high number of holes can easily be drilled in a shift.
Sindrilla is a hands-free drilling solution that eliminates vibration, HAVS, and dust exposure. Carrying out rotary percussion drilling? There’s never been a cleaner, safer, faster and cheaper way to do it.
Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) is well-known in the construction industry, more commonly as ‘white finger’ and also includes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). It’s the name given to the permanent nerve damage caused by excessive exposure to vibration over time. It’s a very real and prominent problem across industries, and in 2018 alone, we saw several leading UK contractors face hefty fines for failing to comply with the Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) rules for protecting workers from HAVS.
The HSE lists these industries as high risk:
Although it’s important to note that employees in all industries are affected. And employees who operate hammer or rotary action tools for one or four hours per day, respectively, are most at risk.
Once the damage is done, it’s permanent. But the good news is that HAVS is completely preventable. That’s where Sindrilla comes in.
“With our hands-free drilling solution, the same person can drill all day long – with no adverse effects.”
This one tool could be saving your company thousands in lost labour costs, every day. Not to mention, improving and preserving the quality of life of every person on your team.
From production lines to construction sites, Sindrilla is already changing the way our clients work – for good. CE certified and ready to go.
Want to try hands-free drilling for yourself? Hire now on 0800 163 382 or email today.
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